
Introducing Me

Mai tu liao ^ Add add add

I’m not shy,
I’m holding back my awesomeness
so I don’t intimidate you.

Hey you! Yes you.

Are you sure you wanna know more about me? Well, you asked for it.
Hi! I’m Brandon and I’m 24 years old YOUNG this year. One of the proudest achievements I ever had would probably be winning the gold medal for swimming on April 23rd 1996, that’s probably the first thing I share to everyone I meet.

I graduated from Republic Polytechnic under Diploma In Business Info Systems. Soon after, I was called in for national service just like every other eligible male Singaporean citizen where I served 2 years under the arms of 35 SCE Singapore Combat Engineers as a specialized Bridging Engineer.

Army Days

Before I start,
a BIG BIG BIG thanks to army for without it, I wouldn’t transform like this,

35 SCE My homeground

I’m a third sergeant in my company tasked to operate and command on the amphibious vehicle, the M3G. My key responsibilities are piloting the vehicle while on water and commanding my men to their tasking while keeping sure they are safe. I consider myself fortunate to have partaken in 2019 NDP Mobile column to showcase the prowess of the vehicles used in the army. That has by far been the most unforgettable memory throughout my NS journey even though it burnt months of my weekends away.
NSJourney has a magical effect when it comes to forging friendships and nurturing an individual. Time spent doesn’t feel wasted no matter how bad it was. At least to me it doesn’t.

My Magnificent Beast & I

Something more personal

The sea

Fun Fact: Did you know, up till now only 5% of the sea has been actually discovered. Imagine whats lurking in the other 95%.

I’m a sucker when it comes to stuffs regarding the sea, I just like being in water. I’ve tried activities such as wake board, surfing and scuba diving. but I find myself going back to scuba diving more often compared to the rest. Scuba diving is really a satisfying hobby/sport. It gets interesting as you visit the different aquatic communities from different parts of the ocean in their natural habitat. It varies in lots of stuffs such as fish; crustaceans; plants; and other form of organisms. And trust me when I say, it’s totally different being on the other side of the aquarium’s view.
Here’s some snippets of my scuba diving adventures, such as my dad photobombing me while we’re in a shipwreck.

The Meme ME

I’m a huge fan of memes. I think meme creators
are low-key geniuses. I usually spend my free time scrolling through reddit pages or facebook looking for more memes. And I kid you not, I can spend hours just looking at them. I mean, whats not to like?

For staying with my post till the end, here’s a free meme starter pack for you. Go on, you earned it.

4 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hello BRANDON,
    you are old not young by the way.
    Where did you go to scuba dive?!?!
    I ever tried swimming in Phuket, and the waves are damn strong, I kept getting further away from the boat. Plus the fishes that swam around me, scares me a lot LOLS.
    I am a MEME lover as well, whenever I have the time I’ll be scrolling through Facebook for the Memes! Okay bye


  2. Hello Brandon! I like your confidence regarding about the awesomeness part and how you want to introduce your birth date. HAHA GOLD MEDAL and you’re older than me so… If you study that biz info sys in poly, you should know some basics, right? Please teach me if I got any questions okay? I don’t know much about army stuff but seems pretty dope about the Combat Engineers. And you made it to the NDP which I feel like any Singaporeans that attended that year would be proud. The sea activity even amazing. Not everyone would go or even enjoy scuba diving, but seeing you enjoying yourself tempts me to try out. I sometimes don’t understand memes as I’m usually quite lag to what it means so maybe you can share some interesting ones to me? Hope to see you around in school man.


  3. Hello Brandon! Really liked how you started off your introduction and the innuendo of winning the race 😉 And wow, we are from the same course and polytechnic, just different batches! Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially the part about diving! I’ve always wanted to try scuba diving, especially when you can find all sorts of things under water! Scary, yet intriguing. It’s also nice how you shared your memorable events and interests, it is a good way to tell people more about yourself without mentioning a lot of personal things. Hope to see you around in school!


  4. Hey Brandon, I read your introduction and saw that you mentioned memes. I’m glad to see another memer in our class so at least SOMEONE will get my jokes. I also browse Reddit a lot, but I was always a lurker, so you probably never saw my name. I can tell your passion for the sea in this post. I tried scuba diving once, but it wasn’t my cup of tea since it was too terrifying. Any wrong move may risk your survival, so props to you for being brave enough to go out into sea regardless.
    Regarding the post though, you may wish to consider removing the COVID-19 Handshake Alternatives meme, it is not very… safe for work.


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