Stereotypes Discussion

Stereotypes Don't Define Us | Kalpavriksha Farms
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What is Stereotype?

Stereotyping is when a commonly known public idea or belief gets imposed on a person/object base on how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true. Although stereotypes are often considered to be negative perceptions of certain groups in reality, stereotypes can also be positive. It enables us to respond rapidly to situations because of similar experience before which reduces the amount of processing humans do when exposed to strangers.

There are countless of categories that people use to stereotype, here are some common stereotypes that are often seen around the world,
-> Ethnic & Racial
-> Religion
-> Gender
-> Culture
-> Age
-> Profession

Negative impacts of stereotyping

In general, stereotyping often leads to bullying. It encourages children to have the bullying behavior due to pressure of wanting to fit in. The mindset of, “Join in to bully others, or be bullied”, which they will carry into adulthood. In views of the victim, they will also discourage them to succeed. Living lives driven by hate and in fear of being judged.

Examples of Stereotyping

quickmeme: the newest memes on the internet
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Gender Stereotype

Generally in a norm status quo, women are believed to be more
-> Nurturing
-> Whiney
-> Graceful
-> Homemakers
Vice versa for men,
-> Independent
-> Arrogant
-> Physically strong
-> Breadwinners
Even till these days, countries like Japan still are adamant on such slurs where guys should be the ones out working whereas females should be at home.

751 Best Funny Old People Memes images
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Age Stereotype

For instance where companies are hiring, they normally deem old age as possible signs of poor physical and mental health. Or in some cases where younger interviewees can be seen as lack of experience just because of age.

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Racial Stereotype

A commonly seen racial stereotyping would be how other racial groups categories Asians. For all that they care, all Asians excel in math. Also, Asian parents are tend to be seen as strict. In another term, they are known as tiger parents. Parents that push and pressure their children for them to excel.

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Religion Stereotype

Probably the most well known example would be how ignorant individuals classify all Muslims as terrorists due to ISIS. Even till now, you can always see securities at airports “Randomly” or so they say, spot checking on people who dresses differently.

Personal Experience of Stereotype

One common stereotype that I often encounter would be rich entitled. I count myself lucky to be able to live in a comfortable home thanks to my parents. But that has without a doubt always lead to the same assumptions from new people I meet. People tend to think that since I live in a big house, I probably get what I want without money being an issue. Impressions such as being ignorant, immature, spoiled, stuck-up are definitely not missed. Whereas in fact it is totally the opposite. My parents made sure they taught us the value of money while we were growing up. We were given bare minimum and if we wanted something which classifies under “want” instead of “need” i.e. a game console, we would have to work for it ourselves. Thus being exposed to many different type of jobs since young.


Although the unwavering fact that stereotype will always exist, one should always be mindful of how they think/act. Do not judge a person without knowing whats on the inside. One should be open minded, being able to change your mindset even if the opposing person is different from oneself.


Saul McLeod, 2015, <; [Accessed 26 July 2020]

Clever Prototypes, L., 2020. Storyboard Creator | Comic Strip Maker | Storyboard Maker. [online] Storyboard That. Available at: <;> [Accessed 26 July 2020].

One thought on “Stereotypes Discussion

  1. Hi Brandon!
    Well done on your post regarding stereotyping! It covers the basics of stereotyping very well, as well as listing all the common types and giving examples on them. I love the inclusion of memes in the examples. They are able to convey information while giving a brief note levity on this serious topic. Your experience in stereotyping is unfortunate, and some people simply can’t see past their stereotypes, but I’m glad your parents were able to raise you to the man you are, preventing you from embodying the stereotype; Though I wouldn’t say no to a party at your place. (nudge nudge, wink wink)


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